Nncomma splice practice pdf

When the independent clauses mirror the same structure. So in order to prevent your writing from getting on an editors or an astute readers nerves. Select the only sentence below which is not a comma splice. Comma splices and fused sentences are independent clauses that have not been joined correctly. Because comma splices and fused sentences contain two main clauses, you can always add a period a full stop at the end of the first clause and then begin the second one with a capital letter. Avoiding runon sentences, comma splices, and fragments getting your punctuation right. Fragment, comma splice, and fused sentences quiz 2014. Jan, 2012 however, if the independent clauses are not about the same general idea, then the semicolon isnt the best option. Comma splices powerpoint authorstream presentation. The martians wear their green jumpsuits, they eat purple custard. Its hot outside, make sure you drink plenty of water. Decide if the sentence is a comma splice or a complete sentence by clicking on the red button next to your choice. Four sentences are enumerated for writers to practice in order to avoid comma splices themselves. Compound sentences are made up of two or more independent clauses.

While joining two independent clauses with a comma may seem like a minor slip, comma splices stand out as serious errors to many readers. If you accidentally click on the wrong button, simply click on the button you meant to select. It has hardly rained all winter, i even needed to water the garden. Splicing is about uniting getting the independent clauses closer together and you only want to unite compatible couples. Identifying comma splices and run on sentences proprofs. A comma may be used to separate a second clause which reverses a negative first clause. Join the independent clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Voiceover right, the comma s being used but we need some bigger punctuation in place of the comma, something like a semicolon, in order to make a distinction between those two independent clauses. For example, take a look at this comma splice example. This is something seen quite often in texts from inexperienced writers, who are perhaps working on the basis that commas mark pauses similar to those in speech and maybe do not know as much about grammar as other, more pedantryhardened veterans. Some people get confused and think that the word splice means to separate, as in. Joe can attest to the fact that theyre one of my biggest pet peeves.

Adapted from the borzoi handbook for writers, 1993. Paul loves to travel, he visits hungary at least once a year. In this example the two clauses make sense on their own. First, practice identifying runons and comma splices. Comma splices tend to confuse the reader, and often make the text misleading. With most comma splices, the conjunction youll want to add is probably and, but, or so. Rules for finding and fixing comma splices and fused. You can 1 make each clause its own sentence, 2 you can join the clauses with a semicolon instead of a comma, or 3 or you can replace the comma with a conjunction like and, but, because, or although. Comma splices a comma splice occurs when two independent clauses or complete sentences are joined by a comma. That night the princess did not sleep, she danced the night away.

Liz couldnt think of a writing exercise for today and assigned me the job. Lots of writers use comma splices, but many editors and teachers dont. Quia fragment, comma splice, and run on and complex sentence. Therefore, they should be corrected in any type of writing, be it formal, informal, essays, etc. First, read the last excerpt about how to create a positive attitude and stop procrastinating from the lane community college website. Rules for finding and fixing comma splices and fused sentences. Recognize how to easily correct a comma splice or a fused sentence explore how best to remedy the problem of runon sentences depending on the context practice exams.

The fans yelled from their seats, the game was about to begin. Punctuate the following sentences using the comma rules. It therefore needs to be joined to the first part of the sentence, the compound independent clause i dont remember many saturday morning cartoons, but may and john can name pretty much all of them using a semicolon, a comma followed by a conjunction, or a period, not just a comma. And yes, we give you permission to take a break and practice your fruit ninja skills. For example, the sentence today the weather is fine, i am going to go for a walk is fused, because there are two complete thoughts in it, and just a comma to separate them. To fix a comma splice or fused sentence, use one of the four strategies below. Often, the comma conveys a finesse which the semicolon would destroy. It includes eight sentences for students to work with. Mignon fogarty is the founder of quick and dirty tips and the author of seven books on language, including the new york times bestseller grammar girls quick and dirty tips for better writing. To splice means to join, so a comma splice could easily have been called a comma join, but that would have been too simple. The sentence below in purple is an example of a comma splice. If adding a conjunction doesnt seem to work, you can change the.

The commaspliced sentence can be corrected three ways. Flying back from greece, we saw a beautiful sunset. An interesting english grammar quiz you should take right now. The clause following them they were such huge fans of those shows is an independent clause. Below are a few practice sentences for comma splices or fused sentences. Chloe likes to chase the cat, the cat doesnt like chloe. To avoid a comma splice you can do one of several things. Youll have their attention from bell to bell when you enter the classroom and inform your students that they suffer from the most. Now proceed to the next sentence and continue in the same manner until you. Klincks unravelling the comma splice, english journal 87.

Curing comma splices a comma is not strong enough to separate independent clauses, so to cure a comma splice consider doing one of the following. Comma splices lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of. Turn each independent clause into a separate sentence. Comma splices and runons comma splices and runon sentences are caused by punctuation errors and are corrected in similar ways.

A comma splice is created when two complete sentences are joined incorrectly with only a comma. Take this practice quiz as though it were a real test. A comma splice is a joining of two independent clauses with nothing but a comma. So today, id like you to write your practice in one extremely long, commasplicefree sentence. Select the answer that corrects the comma splice without creating any new errors. A comma splice is a comma that joins splices two independent clauses. In most instances, this is considered incorrect usage, but here are five widely accepted comma splices complete with examples of each type from anne l. In the rapid flow of an early draft, comma splices may gush on the page. Because the two clauses are complete sentences, you can treat them that way and use a period where you had a comma. Recognizing runons and comma splices practice khan academy. It is a long fancy word, but an independent clause is simply a complete sentence. Avoiding comma splices this quiz was prepared by christine calamari, a student in professor karyn holliss tutor training course at villanova university. She is an inductee in the podcasting hall of fame, and the show is a fivetime winner of best education podcast in the podcast awards.

Use the arrow keys instead of the touch pad to reduce errors. Maybe you like comma splices, maybe you dont merriamwebster. The titanic continues to draw big crowds, i really want to see it. Jim usually gets on with everybody, he is an understanding person. Practice your ability to identify and correct runons and comma splices by. A comma splice or comma fault is the use of a comma to join tw a word that connects or joins together words, phrases, clauses a clause that can form a complete sentence standing alone, hav. The comma splice occurs when a comma is used to connect two independent clauses. Here are two ways that you can properly punctuate compound sentences. A runon sentence doesnt separate any of its independent clauses with the punctuation that it needs, and a comma splice incorrectly separates two independent clauses with a comma, instead of a commaandcoordinatingconjunction. Looking for a creative way to discuss comma splices and fused sentences. This is a free lesson plan thats been used several times with seventh graders. While liz loves grammatical rules, i love to stretch them to their breaking point and often beyond. When two independent clauses appear in one sentence, they can be joined in one of many ways.

Mary will pick up her sister at the beach, and then shell call us. A comma splice cs or a fused sentence fs occurs when two independent clauses, or two complete sentences, are incorrectly connected. The comma splice is one of the most frequent mistakes made when using a comma. The voting age in the united states is 18, but many teenagers start to work when they are 16. A comma splice consists of two or more independent clauses that follow one another and are incorrectly linked.

Fragments, runons, and comma splices identifying fragments, runons and comma splices. Comma splices and fused sentences san jose state university. Write ro under the runon sentences, and write cs under the comma splices. Revise the following comma splice or fused sentences using one of the strategies. Comma splices, fused sentences, and runon sentences. Think about all the bad results that will happen if you dont work. The same deal with a comma splice, its just that a comma splice is a runon that hasnt been fixed all the way. Free online comma splice practice and preparation tests. Quia fragment, comma splice, and fused sentences quiz 2014. Avoiding comma splices this quiz was prepared by jim bobeck, a student in professor karyn holliss tutor training course at villanova university. However, if the independent clauses are not about the same general idea, then the semicolon isnt the best option. Comma splices a comma splice occurs when two independent clauses thoughts capable of standing by themselves are connected only by a comma, as in the following example. Our boss is a hard man when it comes to deadlines, he is also fair.

The good news is that its easy to fix a comma splice once youre aware of the problem. In the following exercise, indicate whether an item is a comma splice cs or is correct c. I love eating fruit, it is one of my favourite things. It also includes some questions about subjectverb agreement and sentence types. Learning to identify comma splices and fused sentences is the first step to fixing the problem.

A comma splice comes about when two independent clauses are connected together with a comma rather than something with a bit more bite. This is going to be a very warm autumn, so you will be able to go biking. We tried to call you, but you didnt pick up the phone. The first independent clause deals with wearing clothes. A comma splice occurs when a writer uses a comma by itself to connect two independent clauses, and speaking from an editorial perspective, i will tell you that they are evil.

This is a quiz on fragments, comma splices, and fused sentences. Megan wanted to become a lawyer candice wanted to become a doctor. As a writer, you must keep in mind that comma splices and fused sentences make you look like an amateur. Between four and six months, interaction between parent and baby begins to include giveandtake, as in turntaking games such as peekaboo. In the following exercise you will be presented with a series of sentences containing a comma. Worksheet 1 provides an explanation of comma splices, along with directions on correcting them. Some people use the term runon sentence to refer both to fused sentences and comma splices. One way to fix a comma splice is to add a conjunction immediately after the comma. Recognizing runons and comma splices practice khan. I am not angry with you, but i am not happy with you, either.

Do this by clicking on the red button next to your choice. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses groups of words that can stand alone as sentences are joined together by a comma. A word group that can stand alone as a sentence is known as an independent clause. I always find writing essays difficult, i usually leave them to the last minute. A comma splice consists of two or more independent clauses that follow one another and are incorrectly linked together only with a comma or commas. When you diagram sentences with semicolons, join the clauses together with a dotted line and. Klinck, unravelling the comma splice like fragments, comma splices are only a nono when done poorly. A comma splice occurs when the two independent clauses are combined with. Write cs for all sentences that contain a comma splice.

The cruise missile is a slow but highly evasive nuclear missile that can fly under enemy radar, it can be launched from air, land, or sea to strike within a few hundred feet of the preselected target. Lets use the above example to show how to fix comma splices. They tell your reader that you cannot control the construction of a sentence, the most basic building block of a piece of writing. If you accidentally click on the wrong button, simply click. Learn comma splice with free interactive flashcards. The cheerleaders practice every night they practice for two hours. This activity was created by a quia web subscriber. A comma splice occurs when two sentences are run together with only a. Worksheets 2 and 3 provide 16 exercises each, with ample space for students to write out the answers in complete sentences. You have to indicate whether you think that the sentence is an example of the comma splice. A comma splice is an attempt to join what could be two complete sentences with an incorrect device, the comma. To understand what a comma splice is, let s split the term and look at definitions of the parts.

They give us a way to combine ideas and make our sentences more interesting. Please use the space provided below to make the necessary changes. Jun 24, 2010 commas arent meant to join main clauses all by themselves. They also suggest to your reader that your message might have been carelessly prepared. Because comma splices and fused sentences contain two main clauses, you can always add a period a full stop at the end of the first clause and then begin the.

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